Pause and reconnect?
There is a lot of pressure around at the moment and sometimes it can be hard to remember that our thoughts and feelings are not the only reality.
If you are feeling pressured, if you could do with resetting or if you just feel like a burst of self-kindness then try this short exercise which I adapted from a tip from Brian Cox (actor) when he was on Desert Island Discs.
- Hold a happy photo of yourself from your childhood, either physically or in you mind.
- Remember everything behind the child in the photo. What made her dream; when did she laugh; what made her forget about time?
- Know that you are still that child and that you can let everything else go; your reputation, your stress, your baggage. Just let them float away.
- Enjoy the feeling of being that free untainted child. Know that this is still the Real you.
- Let the child give you a huge hug of pure love. Feel it. Let them tell you that it’s all okay and that they still love you. You are going to be okay.
- This is going to be a good day.