Approaching Wholeness

Our pasts are always with us, like a live insta-filter on life. Our families, their struggles, their triumphs, our culture, our people, their belongings, they all walk with us. They coexist with our presents, secretly asking for re-solution, feelings asking to be felt, difficulties asking to be seen, clouding our heart’s intent with judgements, stories, and entanglements from another time and another place.

They stand with us in how we share our light and shadow with the world.

In our leadership we see them when we over-help or avoid conflict, we notice them in what we generously give but could never take, we sense them in our out-of-place feelings, we hear their echoes when we are triggered to defend or protect or blame, and we encounter them time after time when we look at the belonging stories we are secretly attracting.

In our organisations we see them in our culture, we bump up against them in our unwritten rules, what feel them in what we allow ourselves to believe about ourselves, we relive them in our relationships to innovation, safety, delegation and control.

We see them in the lessons we are yet to learn.

Tuning into the relationship systems of our lives we might take a step towards wholeness and gently create the opportunity to sit compassionately with our brokenness, bringing these truths into the light with a Constellation.

If we allow ourselves to be led by the wisdom of our bodies and we open our hearts and our minds, we might approach a place where the veil between the past and present becomes thinner, a place where long-lost feelings are felt, difficulties might be returned to where they belong and a place where clarity and coherence might emerge, and from where life and maybe love might flow.